LAO-AEC Consulting Company Limited (LAEC)

The “LAO-AEC Consulting Company Limited (LAEC)” is newly brand registration of a No. 0435/ຈທວ and reformatted from parts of formerly LAO-ASIE Consultants Group (LAC), which has been taken over by new shareholders, including properties, assets, projects, staff and experienced record to be established from sole company limited to new institutional company limited under leadership of new shareholder’s board executive company limited.

LAO-ASIE Consultants Group was formally renamed in 2010 from the SD & XP Consultants Groups, which had been established in 2007, while collected uniting independent consultants working together since year 2000, under various consultancies.

LAO-AEC Consulting Company Limited as a company limited had been providing consultancy services and had delivered high-quality, competitive and innovative consulting services for main six areas, which gave its fully name Architecture-Engineering-Capacity Building; Agriculture-Environment Community Development (AEC)2. Its environmental sensitivity and concerns with sustainability as well as its social and ethical practices (good governance) had earned LAEC reputation of leading consultancy in Lao PDR. The wide range of scope and projects undertaken and the impressive list of its clients are ample proof of it.